活力みなぎる産業(An industrial city filled with vitality〉

クラウンメロン Crown Melon
クラウンメロン・茶・米 Crown melon, Tea, Rice
Crown Melon
In order for all nourishment to be concentrated on the one fruit, only one Crown Melon is grown on each tree. The “King of Fruit” Crown Melon is a creation shaped from both the expertise and long hours devoted by producers. The amount of greenhouse Crown Melons produced and exported is number one in Japan.
Fukuroi Tea is a high quality, flavorsome tea that is the product of favorable conditions given to us by nature such as a blessed climate, high levels of precipitation, good soil quality as well as clear air.
Fukuroi rice is produced from an optimum environment that includes long hours of sunlight, beneficial flow of the estuary and the nutrients of the flat land streching between the mountain span of the north and Enshu Ocean to the south.

市内の産業 Industry in the city
Commerce and industry have both developed proportionately due to the development of transport lines such as National Route 1, Tomei expressway, Tokaido Shinkansen line and Tokaido Main Line, as well as by utilizing the geographic conditions we have been blessed with.

どんどこあさば Dondoko-Asaba
Dondoko-Asaba is gaining attention as a store selling local products. These products range from the produce of local farmers, grains, processed foods, spices and seasoning and Japanese pickled vegetables. A restaurant that serves dishes using local ingredients can also be enjoyed inside the store.

1 産業の新たな展開の推進 Promoting the development of new industry
We will implement initiatives to attract corporations that will support the regional economy and will also support the expansion of new industry.
2 戦略的な観光の推進 Promotion of strategies for tourism
We will increase the number of tourists and visitors by increasing the charm of the city and the transmission of information about the city.
3 経営力の高い農業の振興 Agriculture that is high in economic strength
The establishment of a stable and efficient agricultural economy that provides high quality and safe agricultural produce that is sought after by consumers.
4 魅力的な商業の振興 Promotion of commerce that is charismatic
The promotion of community development abundant in activity that supports the improvement of business quality and the character of each store.
5 雇用環境の充実 Creation of a satisfactory employment environment within the city
In order to establish a foundation for the regional economy and the life of citizens, we will create an appropriate employment environment that anyone can work in with a sense of security.
茶ピア Cha-pia Tea House
Cha-pia is an interactive facility where you can have the whole tea experience from viewing the manufacturing process to visiting the tea room, wandering through the garden and also visiting the shop included within the facility.

茶ピア 直売所 Cha-pia Shop

茶ピア 茶室 Cha-pia tea-ceremony room

銘菓 High quality traditional sweets

袋井の地酒 Local brew of Fukuroi
Fukuroi sake is created from the determination of producers with the aim of crafting a final product they are proud of and is made from different local products such as rice, sweet potato and melon.
- みなさまのご意見をお聞かせください