市民がいきいきと活躍する(People play an active role)

袋井宿開設400年記念事業 Fukuroi Inn Establishment 400 Year Anniversary Festival
2016 marks 400 years since the opening of the Fukuroi Inn. With the aim of spreading Fukuroi shuku “smack dab in the middle” of the 53 stations along the Tokaido Road throughout Japan, both citizens and the administration have worked in cooperation to hold various events such as a historical parade that reflects on Fukuroi’s past, stage performance and a street market that sells specialty goods.
1 市民と行政の協働によるまちづくり Community development based on cooperation between citizens and authorities
To create a system where citizens and the region will become proactively involved in regional development and to promote community development where there is cooperation between citizens and authorities.
2 多様な文化の創造 The creation of cultural diversity
Promote the training of capable people who have an international mindset as well as support the art and cultural activities of citizens and associations within the community.
3 共生社会の確立 The establishment of an interdependent society
We will aim to create a society where we mutually support one another, mutually recognize and accept the various values held within the community, and demonstrate each person’s individuality and capability.

月見の里学遊館 Tsukimi-no-sato Learning and Leisure Center
This facility, located in the north of the city, is a point of gathering and activity. It has a range of facilities such as workshops, a concert hall, library and heated pool. This is a facility of ‘participation, experience and creation.’

可睡斎の活人剣碑を再建 Katsunin-ken (Healing sword) of Kasuisai Temple
Li Hong Zhang, the ambassador of China (During the Qing dynasty), visited Japan after the First-sino Japanese war in order to finalize a peace treaty. During this time he was attacked by a hoodlum and was hovering between life and death. The army general surgeon Susumu Sato (the third president of Juntendo university) saved Li's life with excellent medical care and devoted nursing. The Katsunin-ken (Healing sword) was created based on friendship that blossomed between the two, as well as world peace. However, as the point of this sword was made of iron, it was sent to the Pacific War and only the base remained. Due to the passion of the citizens, this monument was rebuilt 70 years later in 2015.

袋井市ワンコイン・スクールプロジェクト The 'Fukuroi One Coin School Project'

From donations collected through the Fukuroi One Coin School Project, which started in 2013 as an opportunity for the 40th anniversary of Japan-Vietnam diplomatic relations, new school buildings were built at Le Loi Primary school in Quang Nam Province, Vietnam in August 2014. Thanks to everybody’s kind donations, Le Loi Primary school has increased their number of classrooms from three to six and they were able to start full-time schooling system instead of half-day schooling system due to lack of classrooms. Furthermore, the approximately 50 children that had to attend branch schools are now able to attend Le Loi Primary school.

ヒルズボロ市との交流 Exchange with Hillsboro City
Since the establishment of sister city relations on November 3, 1988, Fukuroi has cooperated and exchanged with Hillsboro in Oregon, USA.

ふくろい市民映画製作プロジェクト Fukuroi Citizen’s Movie Production Project
In this project, Children challenge themselves to make movies that incorporate what they see, feel and think of Fukuroi under the theme of 'Pride of Fukuroi and Things to tell the world.' By filming and screening a documentary that follows these children on their filming journeys, and their parents watching over them, Fukuroi will share the charm of community and people in Fukuroi.
- みなさまのご意見をお聞かせください