袋井市の観光情報 Fukuroi Tourism Information
ふくろい遠州の花火 Fukuroi Enshu Fireworks

A nationally prominent 30,000 launch fireworks festival that can be boasted both for its quality and scale. It is a big event of light and sound that spreads across the summer sky, renowned both within and outside the prefecture as a symbol of summer.
山梨の祇園祭り Yamanashi Gion Festival

稚児流鏑馬 Chigo Yabusame (Boys archery on horseback)

A shinto tradition that has been practiced for over 500 years since the Muromachi Period. Boys dress up in traditional clothing and shoot arrows at targets from their horses. It was temporarily suspended due to the Pacific War however it was revived in 1990 with the help of volunteers at the Umeyama Hachiman Shrine.
袋井秋まつり Fukuroi Autumn Festival

Depending on the area the Aki-matsuri is carried out in the first or second weekend of October. Floats and platforms which performers dance upon are paraded through every neighborhood amongst the lively echoes of festival music.
萬松山可睡斎 Banshozan Kasuisai Temple

Kasuisai is part of the Souto sect which a lot of people feel a close relation to and is referred to as“ O-kasui” It has been said to have opened in Year 8 of the Ouei Period (1401). It also has a different name and is renowned as “The temple of flowers.” During spring 2,000 bushes of the tree peony grow and 60 types of peonies bloom proudly in the peony garden. Also a Zen temple style vegetarian Buddhist cuisine can be enjoyed.
法多山尊永寺 Hattasan Son'eiji Temple

This ancient temple belongs to the Shingon sect which many people feel warmly towards and is often referred to as Hatta-san. It is said to have been opened by Gyoki in Year 2 of the Shinki Period (725). The Goddess of Mercy is more commonly known as“ Yakuyoke Kan-non”. The main temple has been restored to the style of the Momoyama Period using modern architectural techniques and therefore gives a unique atmosphere. Similarly the Nio-mon Gate (nationally designated Important Cultural Property) to this day displays the style of the Momoyama Period. The“Yakuyoke” (To ward off evils) rice cake sold within the temple is a unique traditional sweet.
医王山油山寺 Iouzan Yusanji Temple

This is an ancient temple within the Shingon sect that many people feel a close connection to and is widely known as Abura-yama (Oil Mountain). It is said to have started approximately in Year 1 of the Daiho Period (701) when Yukimoto enshrined a Yakushinyorai (A Buddha able to cure all ills) to fulfill his wish that all people will have good health. It is said that during the outbreak of eye disease in the time of Emperor Kouken if one washed with the blessed water of the “Lapis Lazuli Waterfall” found within the temple grounds the disease would be cured. As a result Yusanji has become known as the legendary temple able to cure eye disease and is gathering faith from far and wide. The miniature shrine of the main temple and the three-tiered pagoda is a nationally designated Important Cultural Property.
東海道松並木 Tokaido Roadside Pine Trees

There are traces of the Tokaido Road in the form of roadside pine trees and earthen walls in the Eastern area of Fukuroi. Even now the people of this area watch over and try to preserve this image by replanting trees and carrying out other preservation activities.
久野城址 Kuno Castle Ruins

Kuno castle was constructed by Kuno Munetaka during the Meiou Period (1492-1501) and it is said to have been the point where the Imagawa clan attacked Totomi.
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